How old is Trevone Boykin? When is Trevone Boykin's birthday? Where is Trevone Boykin born? Where did Trevone Boykin grow up from? What's Trevone Boykin's age?
Trevone Boykin Born: August 22, 1993 (age 29years), Mesquite, Texas, United States
How about Trevone Boykin's parents?
Trevone Boykin Parents: Nikita Boykin, Rodrick Smith
How about Trevone Boykin's sibling?
Trevone Boykin Sibling: Makayla Boykin
How about Trevone Boykin's education?
Trevone Boykin Education: West Mesquite High School (2011), Texas Christian University
How tall is Trevone Boykin in meters or centimeters?
Trevone Boykin Height: 1.83m
How about Trevone Boykin's number?
Trevone Boykin Number: 2 (TCU Horned Frogs football / Quarterback), 2 (Seattle Seahawks / Quarterback)
How about Trevone Boykin's 40 yard dash time?
Trevone Boykin 40 yard dash time: 4.77seconds
What happened to Trevone Boykin?
Former TCU Quarterback Trevone Boykin Sentenced To 3 Years in Prison. Feb. 26, 2020, According to Tarrant County prosecutors, Trevone Boykin has been sentenced to 3 years in prison after pleading guilty to two felony and two misdemeanor charges.
Was trevone boykin drafted?
He played college football at Texas Christian University (TCU) and was signed by the Seattle Seahawks as an undrafted free agent in 2016. Mesquite, Texas, U.S.
Was Trevone Boykin a Heisman candidate?
Heisman Trophy 2015: Meet TCU's Trevone Boykin, animal-rights activist.
What NFL quarterback went to TCU?
TCU quarterback Max Duggan joins "NFL Now" ahead of 2023 draft.