A NEW study has finally put to bed the question of whether size really matters.
Men have often been told it’s not the length of their penis that gives a woman pleasure, but what they do with it.

However, research from King’s College London puts that theory into doubt.
Twelve couples were recruited for the study, published in the BJU International journal.
Each couple was given a set of silicone rings of varying sizes.
When the ring is placed onto the base of the man’s penis, by his pelvic bone, it reduces how far he can enter his girlfriend or wife by between 0.5 and two inches.
The larger the ring, the more reduced the male’s depth, and therefore “penis size”, was.
The men self-reported an average penis size of 6.6 inches when erect, which was considered above average.
Couples were told to have sex either three, four or five times for each ring the guy put on.
But the women were not told of the size ring being used so they could assess their pleasure blindly.
They had to rate their sexual pleasure on a scale of one to 100, including whether she felt emotionally connected to her boyfriend or husband.
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The findings don’t bode well for men on the smaller side.
On average, with each 15 per cent reduction in penis size led to an 18 per cent reduction of overall sexual pleasure.
“The longer the erect penis, the less likely the rings were to have an impact on sexual pleasure,” the study paper said.

But there were a minority of women who found it more pleasurable to have a “shorter” penis, and therefore less deep penetration.
Women also did not feel like the intimacy with her partner was lost, as the rings had the least impact on emotional closeness.
David Veale, the study's lead author, told The Times: "We started with the premise that depth of penetration would not matter to most women.
“We found that reducing the depth of penetration by an inch led to a statistically meaningful drop in the amount of pleasure experienced.”
The study claimed the findings could not be applied to normal guys wondering if their penis size was large enough, rather men whose penises shrink due to disease.
“Our results should not be misinterpreted as meaning that increasing penile length will increase sexual pleasure in women,” the paper said.
“They are also not generalizable to men who are not in a sexual relationship and fear being rejected as there are other determinants in such scenarios other than penis length.”
Mr Vale said finding out what penis size matters most “would be a completely different study”.
What do other studies say?
But the findings aren’t exactly reassuring.
However, it’s just one study of many, with others offering a completely different outlook on the age old question.
The NHS says a much higher percentage of women (85 per cent) are satisfied with their partner's penis size than the percentage of men (55 per cent) who were satisfied with their own penis size, suggesting men worry too much.
It says women often care more for whether a man is romantic and sensitive towards their needs in the bedroom than the size of a penis, as there are plenty of other ways to feel pleasure.
One survey of 4,700 women found the best penis size for women to climax is eight inches - but any bigger and the orgasm rates drop.
In fact, men with a whopping 11-inch member got 30 per cent of women to reach climax, which is the same proportion for men with a four inch penis.
Another study asked what size women prefer in a relationship compared with a one-night stand.
Researchers found that the average length women preferred for a long-term relationship was 6.3 inches, but for one-night stands, women opted for slightly bigger penises, with a length of 6.4 inches.
There is also girth (width) of a penis to think about - which many men with larger penises may not have.
Most men's penises are somewhere around 3.75 inches long when floppy and between five and seven inches when erect.
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