Earlier this week we speculated that the dental surgery keeping Lil Wayne from jail for another few weeks was the removal of his famous diamond grills. We just got off the phone with Wayne’s lawyer, Stacey Richman, however, and while she doesn’t know what exactly the procedure is (“I’m not a dentist. I went to law school”), she assures us the grills aren’t going anywhere. Also, apparently the reason things didn’t get done before the scheduled sentencing on Tuesday is that Wayne’s dentist recently had to go on a last-minute charity mission to Nicaragua. When asked if she expects any other postponements in the case, Richman replied, “Barring some sort of tsunami, no, but it’s happened in New Orleans before, so who knows.” Lil Wayne’s lawyer: almost as irreverently entertaining as he is!
Earlier: Inside Lil Wayne’s Hearing: A Vulture Special Report
Lil Wayne Is Not Getting His Grills RemovedncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWloaWdgZ3yttcuYrpqxnpqsqr%2B%2Bp6atl5eawbW1zaCWoaGjlLRvtNOmow%3D%3D