'I Love a Mama's Boy' is done with season 3. So much drama happened that it was hard to keep track. Here's what we're hoping for in season 4.
Published on September 4, 2022
2 min readTLC’s I Love a Mama’s Boy Season 3 had many dramatic twists and turns. It provided an inside look at the lives of women in relationships with men who describe themselves as “mama’s boys.” Here’s what we’re hoping will happen in season 4.
Leyna finds the right relationship
Leyna is troubled by the way Ethan interacts with his mother, Esther. She says their behavior is flirtatious; however, Ethan says they’re just complimenting each other. Leyna spoke to Ethan and Esther about their behavior, but they continued to act the same way.
During the producer’s update at the end of the season, Leyna announced they postponed the wedding. She says it’s because Ethan’s cat was sick (the cat later died), but we don’t buy it. She had second thoughts about marrying Ethan, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they called off the wedding. In season 4, Leyna should find the right person to settle down with.
Kristy and Robert have a successful marriage
Kristy and Robert experienced marital strain because of his mother, Nancy. Throughout the season, it seemed like Nancy tried to cause division between the couple. Robert thinks part of why Nancy hasn’t supported his marriage is that he and Kristy eloped. According to him, Nancy has been “carrying around this weight” the entire time he has been married to Kristy.
The final straw for Robert was when his mother asked for a DNA test. She told him she didn’t think his daughter Kimberly was his. This upset Kristy, and she started to pull away from Robert. He decided he had to choose: either side with his mother and lose his marriage or distance himself from his mother and save his marriage.
Robert decided to stop communicating with his mother. He appeared more concerned about his relationship with his wife and children than making his mother happy. According to the show’s producers, Robert hasn’t spoken to his mother since the season ended. Kristy and Robert continuing to repair their marriage would be a highlight of I Love a Mama’s Boy Season 4.
Shekeb and Emily find the right match
Shekeb and Emily had a lot of tension in their relationship. Shekeb’s mother, Laila, caused much of that tension. She would try to set Shekeb up on dates behind Emily’s back. The last time Laila set Shekeb up, things didn’t go well.
Laila really wants Shekeb to date and eventually marry Yussra. When Laila unexpectedly invited Yussra to dinner, Emily became very upset and began saying inappropriate things.
During a separate meeting, Shekeb encouraged Laila and Emily to get along. He suggested they all live together to learn to like each other. However, Emily said she didn’t like his mother and would never live with her.
The night ended with Emily yelling at Laila and jumping over the banister. Shekeb sent Emily home in a taxi and decided to live with his mother again. Hopefully, Shekeb and Emily find the right match; it doesn’t look like they’re meant to be together.
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