Recent YouGov data finds that 70% of us are proud to be an American, including 43% who are “very” proud. In contrast, 24% say they are either not very proud or not at all proud to be an American.
We asked our YouGov Chat users to dig deeper and tell us what specifically makes them proud, and not proud, to be an American. You can join the conversation here.

When asked why they are proud to be an American, many chat users echo statements about freedom and opportunities.
- “We live in the greatest nation in the world, if we didn't, why are so many people still trying to get here? We have freedom and opportunity.”
- “I have the FREEDOM to come and go as I please. I have the FREEDOM to worship any religion. I have the FREEDOM to become anything I want to become. And, I live in the GREATEST COUNTRY ever.”
- “The freedom to call out the corruption.”
- “America is the greatest, freest, nation on Earth. It's a place of great opportunity, where every man has equal rights to success and happiness.”
- “My father, my brother, my cousins, my uncle's, and my son served to protect our rights. I have been to a lot of different countries and even with our flaws, we are the greatest nation on earth. The dream is still a possibility.”
Other Chat users point to the constitution and resiliency...
- “America is the greatest country. We always move forward and bounce back.”
- “It's resiliency and founding principles.”
- “Our constitutional protections for individual rights.
- “Our Constitutional rights.”
Diversity is a key factor for some Chat users...
- “To be a part of a multicultural society that has the potential to be an example to the world.”
- “Dedication to multiculturalism, leadership on the world stage.”
- “People from diverse backgrounds coming together to help each other and make us better.”
- “Our diversity and the right to speak and say what we want without being afraid.”
While a few users say the country’s culture and energy is what makes them proud.
- “Good folk music. People from very far away feeling connected by a common culture. Good food. We have the biggest entertainment industry.”
- "We are a very outspoken people and will say what we think.”
- “American spirit”
Some YouGov Chat users say they are not proud to be American because of the existence of far-right movements, racism, and discrimination.
- “Racism, homophobia, far right movements, unfettered capitalism, a lack of social safety nets, untrustworthy institutions.”
- “Centuries of racism ignored.”
- “Biases, racism, lack of respect and equality of EVERYONE in this country.”
- “Wealthy getting wealthier while the rest struggle and suffer! Corporations being considered as “the people”! The hate groups i.e., KKK, white supremacists, QAnon and GOP being allowed to spread their hateful violent agendas as a ‘right’!”
- “We have so much racism.”
Others say they aren’t proud of the political division.
- “The division and the cancel culture.”
- “Divisions in our country! Corrupt politicians trying to rip us apart!”
- “The division between our country.”
While some users point to political corruption and disputed claims of election fraud as an explanation to why they are not proud...
- “Election fraud and rigged elections!”
- “Corrupt politicians rigging the election in swing states.”
- “The political corruption.”
Others have completely non-political views on why they are not proud.
- “The self-centered view of many Americans these days, the lack of caring for others...”
- “Our selfish “me first” attitude.”
- “Our incredibly self-involved attitude. As long as I've got what I want screw everyone else. That attitude has been brought to light since COVID-19 and we should be doing everything we can to stop it.”
- “I'm not proud to be an American. I think most Americans are ignorant, ill-mannered and easily led.”
Every day, members of YouGov Chat are asked to share their opinion on a topic in the news. We allow anyone to take part in these chats, and do not display or weight results in real-time. Instead, to make the experience informative but still interactive, the chat displays weighted data from YouGov Direct to show them how the rest of the country voted. This enables us to pose the question to all, while retaining data accuracy and validity when communicating results.
YouGov chat seeks to add to the ‘what?’ (the quantitative poll result) by finding the ‘why?” (qualitative open ends) in a member’s own words. Learn more about YouGov Chat here.
Image: YouGov